During the 2012 election cycle, we cautioned that campaign finance problems can haunt candidates long after the election is over.  Case in point:  As the New York Daily News reports, the New York City Campaign Finance Board recently voted to impose $72,402 in penalties for violations of 15 different campaign finance restrictions, including accepting contributions prohibited under a pay to play law, accepting corporate contributions, and accepting contributions in excess of contribution limits, in connection with a candidate’s 2009 campaign for Public Advocate.

The Campaign Finance Board found that the candidate committee engaged in 22 violations of a New York City pay to play law known as the “Doing Business” restrictions.  These restrictions impose a $400 limit on the contributions (including in-kind contributions) an individual who has “business dealings with the city” may give to the Public Advocate.  The law also limits contributions to candidates for Mayor or Comptroller ($400), Borough President ($320), or City Council ($250).

The scope of this pay to play rule is broad and the restrictions may apply to owners and senior officers and executives of companies seeking contracts with the city, including pension fund investment contracts, as well as city lobbyists.  City administration maintains a database listing registrants.

There are a few takeaways from this NYC campaign finance decision.  First, if you have or your organization has any dealings with New York City government, it is important to determine whether the Doing Business rules apply to you.  Second, although media reports often give the impression that campaign finance law is being undermined and under-enforced, some jurisdictions do have aggressive regulators.  Third, it is possible that others could avoid these problems by instituting a robust internal system of training and compliance.

There is a cost associated with being careful.  But increased resilience in the face of allegations of misconduct should be more than worth it.

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Photo of Kevin Glandon Kevin Glandon

Insurance Advocacy for Policyholders

Kevin Glandon has helped policyholders recover over $1 billion for first party losses and third-party liabilities. Kevin has extensive experience with complex, multimillion-dollar property damage and business interruption claims arising out of catastrophic events, including damage to or destruction…

Insurance Advocacy for Policyholders

Kevin Glandon has helped policyholders recover over $1 billion for first party losses and third-party liabilities. Kevin has extensive experience with complex, multimillion-dollar property damage and business interruption claims arising out of catastrophic events, including damage to or destruction of commercial real estate, hotels, and manufacturing plants caused by hurricanes, floods, and fires–prominent risks potentially impacted by climate change. Kevin also has significant experience litigating and advising on coverage for environmental and products liability claims.

Kevin also assists clients with insurance recovery under cyber, fidelity and crime insurance, builder’s risk, and product recall policies, and has advised on impacts due to communicable disease and insurance-related due diligence in connection with major acquisitions. He advises clients regarding efficient and practical insurance strategies to prepare for and respond to first-party losses and third-party claims, and has worked extensively with forensic accountants, insurance brokers, and subject matter experts to achieve an effective, multidisciplinary approach to claim resolution. Kevin’s insurance-related experience spans the fields of commercial real estate, hospitality, manufacturing, government contracting, energy production, and professional sports.

Political Law

He also has experience advising clients in compliance and defense matters regarding political and election law, including the Foreign Agents Registration Act, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s pay-to-play rules, the Federal Election Campaign Act, Senate and House ethics rules, and numerous state and local political and election laws and regulations.